Alkhimar Kalayakan Ibba

Local disaster risk reduction management assistant-I
December 13, 1985

About Candidate

1.      Respond to emergency such as vehicular accidents, fire, health emergencies and calamities caused by flood, typhoons and other natural calamities

2.      Endorse patient to emergency room staff for continuity of care and treatment.

3.      Monitor in coordination with Municipal Health Office (MHO) health related emergencies in the municipality such as dengue, malaria, and other recurrent disease.

4.      Serve as nurse on duty during the assign time at the MDRRMO OPCEN.

5. Organize and conduct training, orientation, and knowledge management activities on Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) at the local level.

6. Identify, assess and manage the hazards, vulnerabilities and risks that may occur in their locality.

7. Identify and implement cost-effective risk reduction measures and or strategies.
8. Disseminate information and raise public awareness about those hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks.
9. Prepare and submit monthly accomplishment report and monitoring report.

10. Organize, train, equip and supervise the local emergency response teams and the accredited community disaster volunteers (ACDVs) ensuring that humanitarian aid workers are equipped with basic skills to assist mothers to breastfeed.

11. Do other related tasks as may be assigned by the MDRRMO.


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